Safe on Base


By:  Debbie Sanders

I had the privilege of being with my siblings recently and we did a great deal of reminiscing together.
“Remember how our family used to go here? That was fun.”  “Sis, remember how you used to do that? You were so mean!”  We recalled places we frequented and games we played.

One of them was Tag.  Of course, you remember that.  Someone would be “It” and chase the others until someone else was tagged, then they were “It”.

Part of the game of tag is establishing a base.  It was a free zone.  You could stay there, and you could not be tagged.  You could run to the base if you were tired and needed a break or if you were getting too close to being tagged by “It.”

Something that has held me together during times that are challenging, when I feel weary, anxious or afraid, is making my way daily to my “base;” my safe place, my security, where I cannot be touched by the events that are going on in my world or the fears that keep threatening to creep up in my heart.

It’s a place that I must frequent so that a sense of order is maintained in my world.

My new favorite chapter is Ps. 104 I went to God’s word the other day, requesting that He speak to me words of comfort and security where I could feel safe.

In Ps. 104 you’ll find a long list of phenomenal things that God has put in place in our world. It states that God:
* is clothed in honour and majesty.
* He covers Himself in a garment of light.
* He stretched the heaven’s out like a great curtain.
* He makes a chariot that He rides on out of clouds.
* He walks on the wings of the wind.

The Psalmist lists a few more things, then begins to talk about water.
* The waters stood above the mountains.
* They go up to the mountains.
* And down in the valleys to specific places where He designs them to go.
* He sets boundaries where the water cannot pass – Jeremiah says he sets a band of sand so that the waters cannot pass across it.  Picture a beautiful beach lined with sand.
* He sends springs into valleys and then it runs among the hills.

He continues:
* It gives drink to every beast of the field.
* And he makes it available so that the donkeys, when they are thirsty, can have their thirst quenched.

I love this …
* By these waters shall the birds have their home and they sing while they sit among the branches of the trees that grow, because of the water that He speaks into existence. He specifically mentions the birds singing while perched up in a tree.

It goes on to say that the hills are watered from His chambers, where He lives.
And that He has everything so perfectly ordained and designed that the Earth is satisfied with the fruit that comes from His design.

He makes:
* grass to grow specifically for the cows.
* herbs so that man can cook with them and so they can grow things from the Earth.

And so, it continues.

Oh!  When I read about how meticulous my God is and how He gives the greatest attention to every detail about our world, my heart is overwhelmed with gratitude and I feel secure in Him.

Don’t you know that God plans out your life down to the smallest detail?
Don’t you know that He sees every thought you think, fear that may arise within you and concern that crosses your heart?

Where is the safest place that we could ever be?  In His presence.
When we “touch base,” nothing can harm us there.  When we stay close to Him, following hard after Him, seeking His path and not our own, it’s as if we are in a Tornado shelter and while the winds howl without and the rain comes down in torrents, we, God’s precious children, are safe.

I encourage you to make time every day to “touch base.”  Stop and talk to your Father.
He is so crazy about you that He knows every detail of your life. He even keeps a constant (and continually changing) count of how many hairs are on your head.

You. Are. Safe. In Him. 

Debbie Sanders is blessed to minister beside her husband, Jonathan, in her favorite place – the Islands of Hawaii. She and Jonathan pastor The Rock Oahu.  Debbie is the Ladies President of Hawaii and the Director of Todays Christian Girl, a ministry for girls ages 10-18.
Debbie has been blessed with three beautiful daughters, one handsome son in law and the two cutest grandsons known to mankind.
She loves making new friends and spreading joy as she travels and ministers across our fellowship





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